In August, a significant event took place for Otrada - the first batch of Otrada Yorkshire pigs was delivered to a client in Kamchatka, which means that the geography of supplies expanded to the eastern borders of Russia. Such remoteness of the destination required mastering a new method of delivering animals - air transportation, and the project itself became unique for the company in terms of logistics.

A large team were involved in the preparation for shipment. The most important task was to ensure the safety of animals at all transportation stages.
Upon arrival of the pigs in Kamchatka, the client noted that they had endured the flight well and were feeling great. The animals now have to go through quarantine and adaptation before moving to the client's farm. The technical support specialists of BU Genetics stay in touch and monitor the gilts' condition and compliance with the adaptation plan developed especially for the client.

This batch is the first in a series of deliveries to Kamchatka. As a benefit, the client will be able to renew his herd and significantly increase production results and economic efficiency with PIC Danish lines from Otrada.